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Super Bowl and Academy Awards - Thumbs Up

Superbowl & Oscars
We are pleased to report that we had no issues with TV signals during the Super Bowl and Academy Awards. Why is this significant? A few weeks prior to the Super Bowl we lost a couple of local channels during our wind/snow storms. (JPR also lost a few radio towers at this same time) One local channel was feeding a playoff game and had to wait for the channel provider to get access to the antennas on local mountains to restore power, repair equipment and restore the signal, sadly this took a few days.

Jim Teece, Ashland Home Net's new owner says, "I'm used to dealing with the critical nature of internet access, businesses rely on internet to do business, but our dependence on TV is more based on passion. I learned a lot since the outage about how 'critical' the game or event can be and how we as an organization needed to have processes in place to handle the outage and work directly with providers so that we can restore the service as soon as possible, as well as keeping our customers informed about the service outage in a timely manner."

National channels come in through satellite and local channels are fed from local sources, using local equipment in many cases.

We put into place backup measures and service restoration protocols for the Super Bowl and Academy Awards. Thankfully there were no issues and the rapid response team was not called into action, but they were ready.

We will constantly review our processes and procedures to provide you the best, most reliable service possible at an affordable price.

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